I’m glad you want to tell the truth.
I’m just surprised you know it.Hannah Arendt doesn’t love me
original text: Dana Łukasińska
year: 2013
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It’s a theatrical mocumentary. The court hearing Hannah Arendt’s case is in session. Locked in a transparent cage similar to the one Eichmann was held in during his trial in Israel, Hannah Arendt is on trial for her descent, views, nationality, the books she read and wrote, and for thinking and reasoning. Joseph K., the protagonist of Kafka’s The Trial is sitting next to her, in a similar cage.
And what about Kant,
wasn’t he a Jew by any chance?
Hannah’s main accuser is Rahel Varnhagen, whose biography she wrote as her PhD dissertation. This Jewish woman who lived during the Enlightenment is accusing the philosopher of bending the facts, and distorting the image of her and her life in order to feel superior to her. Many new witnesses of both sides appear in court. Among them Martin Heidegger, his wife Elfriede, Germans, Israelis, Egyptians, Russians, Americans, as well as Sigmund Freud and Gershom Scholem.
It’s not true that I came here with a closet, because I couldn’t come with a naked woman.
Everyone is obsessed with discovering their origins. The German Journalist is looking for historic traces in the closets beached by the Nile (because every nation has its historic closet with a skeleton inside). The Girl and the Boy in call center conduct a public opinion poll asking people questions like: Did Hannah Arendt love you? Do you even know who Hannah Arendt was? There’s a casting for the role of Hannah Arendt, who – even if she’s sentenced to death – will still live according to the myth that Jews rule the whole world. Especially the film world. During the special training, the Coach is teaching the Polish Catcher and the Jewish Catcher how to distinguish between national vertebrates and national invertebrates. Rahel undergoes an examination to prove her origins, the blood and saliva samples are collected by a racist Jewish Geneticist. Eichmann, a Banal German, is calmly watching the whole process while solving the jigsaw puzzle of a map of German conquests. He uses his own sperm as a glue to hold the picture together. It’s a quality sperm, because it’s German.
The bombings have been going on for several weeks, and because of that I had more work than usual. I normally clean the windows once a week, and now I had to do it every day.
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